Sarah Prosper

Sunday, August 14th – Monday, August 15th
“Samqwan” is the Mi’kmaq word for water and this new multi-disciplinary show, will inspire and welcome you to experience the value of water from an Indigenous perspective, showing its sacredness, its purposes, and the gift of walking in two worlds – but also the responsibilities.
Ke’aknutama’tinej – Can we talk
Ke’amakaltinej – Can we dance
Sarah Prosper | Creator & Choreographer
Corey Katz | Production Photography
Lana Joy Gould Photography | Water Images
Produced by Highland Arts Theatre
Special thanks to Mi’kmaq community Elders: Albert Marshall, Doreen Bernard, & Jane Meader
Singers / Composers: Eastern Owl, shalan joudry, Riley Mclean Dewitt, & Msit No’kmaq (All My Relations)