Community Telling Tour with Akpik Theatre
In October 2023, Prismatic Arts Festival and Akpik Theatre embarked on a tour to visit Mi’kmaq communities around the province.
Akpik Theatre shared their community telling of Pawâkan Macbeth, creating space for learning, connection, and cultural sharing between Cree and Mi’kmaq cultures.
Over several days, Prismatic and Akpik Theatre will visit the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre (Kjipuktuk), Membertou First Nation, Eskasoni First Nation, and Millbrook First Nation.
Each stop will involve a gathering and feast with local youth and community, giving artists and community members alike opportunities for cultural sharing, storytelling, and connection through the arts.
September 11th
The cast and crew of Akpik Theatre, along with the Prismatic Arts Festival staff gathered at the Friendship Centre for breakfast to be welcomed to the land by the Mi’kmaq community.
October 10th
Community Telling at Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre.
October 11th
Community Telling at Membertou Trade and Convention Centre with National Gathering of Graduate Students.
October 13th
Community Telling at Allison Bernard Memorial High School.
October 14th
Community Telling at Millbrook Cultural and Heritage Centre.