Rebecca Thomas

Type of Performance:  Spoken Word (Ottawa Opening Gala)

Dates: September 15th @ 5pm 

Venue: Great Canadian Theatre Company – Lobby 

Ticket Prices: Free

Rebecca Thomas is a Mi’kmaw poet and activist who does not want to be a poet or activist. She just happens to be good enough at poetry and persuasion to get people to listen but her ultimate goal is to make Canada a better place for her Indigenous community because so many people tend to forget they were here first.

She has accidentally found herself as the former Poet Laureate of Halifax. She has performed with a Tribe Called Red and has spoken and lectured at conferences and coffee houses from coast to coast. She writes kids’ books about growing up the child of a residential school survivor. She has written for the CBC and Washington Post but has yet to make a chapbook. She pays her bills by working as a Senior Consultant for Diversity and Inclusion with the provincial government. She’s collaborated with composer Laura Sgroi to bring together a three-poem story and full orchestral score which had is debut with the Kitchener Waterloo symphony in the spring of 2019. She also feels real uncomfortable writing bios about herself. She’s done some other things here and there but has reached her tolerance for hearing off her accomplishments listed off.

Rebecca Thomas will be performing Let’s Talk at my Pace at Prismatic 2019.